Thursday, June 18, 2020

Seesawing Your Teaching

  Everyone is currently asking the big question, "What are we going to do about school next year?" In Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf said that schools are allowed to be open and running come July 1st, as long as CDC guidelines are in place. What will those guidelines be? Will 1/2 of our class attend one week, and the other half the next? With nothing being certain right now, one thing that provides some hope is the creation of virtual classrooms.

  My school district recently provided all staff with memberships to Seesaw Premium- a classroom blog, where teachers can provide activities and communication with students and parents. I love the app, but we never received much training on it, making me learn as I went. I was shocked to see it pop up as a resource on my Google Alerts this week. Turns out, Seesaw has many features put into place for Translations and ESL communities. Knowing this, I am very excited to implement it next year!

 Seesaw creates a Welcome Letter for you to send to parents at the beginning of each year. Little did I know, they provide translations of this letter for you, found here:

  This is a great tool to practice listening, reading, and writing on. Seesaw allows students to create activities and "dig deeper" into content, all while being easily shareable with family and friends. There are lessons pre-made for ELL learners, as well! This app is helpful for educators as well, because it shows you exactly where your students are at. You can provide quick feedback, make private notes, and know exactly what skills your students need further assistance with.

  If you are interested in reading more about Seesaw ELL, you can find it here: I am very happy that I learned this information this week. My colleagues will be very excited when I share it with them, as well!

Seesaw | Crunchbase


  1. Thank you for writing about Seesaw this week. I enjoyed reading about the program and found it interesting. While I do not think my school district would implement the premium version of Seesaw, I would be interesting in exploring the basic version for myself. I love the idea of having it write a welcome letter for your students, with a translation feature. We have a large Spanish-speaking population in my district and have to send all papers home in English and Spanish, so that would be a huge help!

  2. Hi! During distance learning, the main platform we used was Seesaw. Like you, we didn't receive much training on Seesaw. So, I had to learn it for myself and once I was able to figure things out, I enjoyed it. Seesaw also has Seesaw Assistant if you need help. It is not a person but you can type in a question and get a response. If that doesn't work, YouTube also helped me. If you have Facebook, there are also different groups that you can follow. I follow Seesaw Teachers: Kindergarten, to get ideas from other Kindergarten teachers. I like how teachers share things they have created and it’s free!


Podcast Review

Here is my review on the ESL Podcasts. They can be found on my Symbaloo site: 1) ESL Teacher Talk- This podcast is hosted by educators who h...